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About Our Approach


Mudita means cultivating joy in the well-being of others and here at Mudita Studio that sums up our ethos. Whether you are looking for nutrition consultation, personal training, fitness classes, yoga, Pilates or meditation you will find a supportive environment guided by a belief that self-compassion and developing our own internal awareness of what our body needs is the path to health and well-being versus seeking external validation.


We are here for people who are looking for:

  • A non-judgemental community to explore movement, nutrition and well-being which honours working with what our body and mind needs on the day

  • A mirror free environment where body diversity is celebrated

  • A space to explore self care and develop self compassion

  • Non-diet and weight inclusive and the opportunity to let go of diet culture 

  • Guidance to develop skills for embracing a peaceful relationship to food and body image

  • Breathwork, mindfulness and meditation to relax and release stress


Meet Carol/Carly

I am based in the beautiful Falkland Islands, where the sound of the ocean is never too far away. Growing up in the Falkland Islands meant I developed a strong connection to the great power of nature and the natural world to support and nurture human health and well-being.​Driven by a love of moving my body for enjoyment not competition, I started working in the fitness industry by qualifying as a Gym Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor and Personal Trainer, later also qualifying in Pilates, GP Exercise Referral, Cardiac Rehab Phase 4, Children's Activity and Chair Based Exercise Instructor. ​


At the same time I was looking for quiet reflective practices so began studying and practicing yoga and meditation, and over the years have studied many styles of yoga including Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Ashtanga, Yoga Nidra, and Yoga for Children, as well as developing spiritual practices from Buddhism.​


Feeling there was a piece missing to be able to offer a holistic approach I undertook a BSc in Human Nutrition and an MSc in Obesity and Weight Management*, however from my own experiences around my relationship to food and body image I could never quite buy into the "weight equals health" approach that is so dominant in society and so moved away from the model of my nutrition training to embrace the evidence based non-diet approaches with a certification in Mindful Eating.


​I firmly believe that our sense of well-being comes from being connected to nature and from trusting our bodies own intuition to guide us towards what we need to support us. My aim is to help people enjoy food without the guilt that is attached to diet culture, find the joy in moving their bodies and developing our sense of self compassion. My approach is from a holistic perspective, so whatever your goal I will be delighted to support and encourage you with an approach that embraces your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. ​​


*Please note I do not offer weight centric approaches or weight loss plans.

CIMSPA-Member logo
Mindful Eating Certified Teacher
AFN registered
RCYT Teacher
YACEP provider
E-RYT500 Teacher
Sand Dunes


+500 51773



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© Mudita Studio 2024

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